While not being much for New Years Resolutions (though I do love fireworks) last year I shared some professional goals. I even advocated accountability. I figure I should share how I did.
Professional Goals
- Read one technical book a month: I think I read about 6? We had a fun little reading group that lasted until summer.
- Blog at least once a week: I was doing well until June. I have an excuse, but I’ll share that another time.
- Learn a System Programming Language: Push? I spent a lot of time with Go and like it, but I never built anything. Not sure that counts.
Personal Goals
- Read 12 Cooking Books: I didn’t read 12. I read two (1 & 2) but both were great. I cook a lot more and I’m happier for it.
- Complete C25k: Push. I hate running. Still hate running. But I got a bike and I love that. Maybe more successful than not.
- Get a dog: No push. His name is Kilo. He’s a pain but he’s mine, so I love him. He gets me.
Not great. Not terrible… but not great. I accomplished a lot of what I was hoping for. I learned a ton, both expanding things I already knew and things I had no idea about. I’m healthier and I have a pretty awesome dog. Overall I’d count 2015 a win!
2016 Goals
I’m keeping it simpler, focusing on creating habits. These are things I want to do every day:
- Chess: I’m not great at chess but I’d like to get better. Playing seems the best way.
- Code: Pleasure or professional, either way. Since the first it’s been a lot of hacking on Brian Warehime’s excellent Threat_Note.
- Cook: Cooking has been good for me and I want to keep it up. Blue Apron has been helpful (not to mention tasty).
- Exercise: Biking or walking the dog.
- Read: Pleasure or professional, either way (again!).
- Write: Blog or another project but the more I write the better.
These goals for 2016 are a lot more flexible. They’re all things I do but not yet the habits I’d like them to be. I’ve been using the Momentum app to keep track and I find it’s a great balance. In the 10 days since I started I’ve written and coded for 10 days in a row, played chess for 9, read and exercised for 3, and cooking has been the hardest with 2 days.
If you’re interested in suggesting things to read, write, cook, code or want to play some chess let me know. Now I’m going to go check off my writing for today!